This project brings to bear a holistically designed ecosystem from application to silicon. The ecosystem is realized as a tightly integrated multi-vendor solution and tool chain complementing existing standards. Feature-limited releases of reference tools and platforms are made available under favourable licensing conditions to support the evaluation and adoption of the results. Fullfledged versions are retained for commercial exploitation and standardization of the overall ecosystem is pursued. As direct effects of the project results 30% reduction of the total cost of ownership, 50% shorter
time-to-market, and 30% decrease of the number of development assets are expected. Marketable lead applications driving ecosystem development and benchmarking on the fields of industrial & intelligent transport systems, video & image processing, and wireless communications are produced. Key challenges
include guaranteeing secure, reliable, and timely operation, back-annotation based forward system governance, Tool-tool, tool-middleware, and middleware-hardware exchange interfaces, and energy management with minimal run-time overhead.