Project Details


By definition patients with Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIA) should not have any symptoms beyond 24 hours from onset. However emerging evidence suggests otherwise with long-lasting symptoms as fatigue, depression and cognitive impairments. Also in recent qualitative research patients describe life-altering experiences with long-lasting alterations in multiple life domains, which is not being recognized by health care professionals. In Denmark approximately 4.000 patients every year are diagnosed with TIA and the follow-up varies greatly and is not evidence-based.
It is unknown which patients are at increased risk of experiencing these long-lasting symptoms, when symptoms arise and how follow-up and interventions should be designed to support patients in returning to their everyday life.
Based on this the aim is to investigate which symptoms patients with TIA experiences and when these arise, to identify any prognostic factors for a non-favorable outcome making it possible to stratify follow-up and intervention and finally develop and test a person-centered and evidence-based intervention.

To answer these questions, the following studies will be conducted:

Study 1: A retrospective register-based study to investigate the proportion of patients with TIA in Denmark who receive sick leave benefits from 5 to 12 weeks after diagnosis or start to use homecare (depending on pre-TIA status). Patients, outcomes and prognostic factors will be identified in national registries.

Study 2: A 12 months prospective cohort study including patients with TIA from the Stroke Unit at Aalborg UH. The aim is to investigate the prognosis, prognostic factors, impact on everyday life and return to work following TIA. Both qualitative and quantitative measures will be included.

Study 3: Development and preliminary test of a person-centered and evidence-based intervention in a feasibility RCT. The intervention will be designed based on the results from study 1 and 2. 50 patients will be included from the Stroke Unit at Aalborg UH and randomly assigned to the intervention or control. The aim is to evaluate the feasibility of running a larger scale RCT.

The overall results from the study have the potential to guide clinical practice through ensuring an evidence-based follow-up and intervention regardless of residence. The results are already warranted by healthcare professionals and are directly applicable to the clinical setting.

Key findings

Transient Ischemic Attack, TIA, stroke, return to everyday life
Short titleReturn to everyday life following Transient Ishemic Attack
Effective start/end date01/03/202101/03/2025


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