Project Details


The project aims to develop students' entrepreneurial skills in existing ECTS-courses within the bachelor and master programs of Architecture and Urban Design of AAU. This is done by developing and integrating new ways of teaching that facilitate experiential learning: learning-by-doing and through experience. Therefore, this project seeks to integrate experiential teaching methods within the design education (e.g., using music) and in collaboration with music therapists that will help and equip students with tools to develop soft skills like creativity, empathy and team building that lead to design thinking and innovation. In addition, experiential methods have also the potential to develop and increase student’s self-esteem and resiliency, which are relevant soft skills that will help them to tackle complex problems and deal with change and risk. The pedagogical results of embedding experiential teaching methods within the design program can help other AAU programs to develop similar entrepreneurial approaches.
This project is partly funded by Fonden for Entreprenørskab.
Short titleDeveloping innovative teaching methods through experiential learning to embed entrepreneurial skill training within the Architecture and Design program of Aalborg University
Effective start/end date01/07/202401/04/2026


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