Establishing Trust and Adoption of Al in Radiology Clinics: A Techno-Anthropological Approach Across Multiple Sites

Project Details


This Industrial PhD project is funded by the Innovation fund Denmark funded , within the focus area of life science, health and welfare technology in the private sector.
The Project is situated as a collaboration between Cerebriu A/S (A deep tech software as medical device company) and the TAPPAR research group (Techno-anthropology and Participation), as part of the Department of Planning, within the TECH Faculty at Aalborg University (Copenhagen).
The project ETAARC strives to develop a valid methodology for establishing trust and successful adoption of AI based software as decision support for radiology. The project is built on multi-site ethnography across radiology clinics in Denmark and abroad, before and during the implementation of the decision supporting Ai technology Cerebriu Apollo.
Short titleEstablishing Trust and Adoption of Al in Radiology Clinics
Effective start/end date01/09/202231/08/2025

Collaborative partners

  • Innovations Fonden Danmark (Project partner)
  • Cerebriu (Joint applicant) (lead)


  • AI
  • Trust
  • MRI
  • Implementation
  • Techno-Anthropology
  • AI ethics
  • Radiology
  • Technology assessment


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