Project Details
The goal of the project is to contribute to better e-accessibility for allcitizens and to increase the use of standards for online resources. The project will establish the technical basis for a possible EuropeanInternet Accessibility Observatory (EIAO) consisting of: A set of webaccessibility metrics. An Internet robot for automatically and frequentcollecting data on web accessibility and deviations from web standards ( theWAI guidelines) A data warehouse providing online access to collectedaccessibility data. The collection of web accessibility metrics and the tools for automated datacollection and dissemination will be continuously improved by feedback fromend users (e.g. policymakers, governmental agencies, associations ofdisabled people etc.) and user testing to sharpen the relevance of theautomatically collected data. All Software developed in the project will be released under an open sourcelicence. All kinds of website providers can be assessed, but the focus should be onpublic services, governmental and local authorities, and private serviceproviders like banks, public transport etc. Currently there is no systematic overview of the current use ofaccessibility guidelines in Europe. The Percentage of central government Websites that conform to the WAI accessibility guidelines at A level is howeverlisted as one of the indicators for eEurope Benchmarking. By providing frequently updated data on web accessibility metrics anddeviations from standards of the European websites assessed the EIAO will: Provide quantitative background for policy-making and targeted actions toimprove web accessibility. This may be of special importance for thediscussion going on about legislation (anti-discrimination laws) for equalrights related to web accessibility.Promote e-accessibility by raising awareness and encouraging competitionthrough benchmarking of accessibility metrics and deviations from standards.Provide background for the discussion of standards and the development ofnew standards.Contribute to the Lisbon strategy of making Europe the Worlds mostcompetitive knowledge based economy within 2010 by reducing deviations fromstandards. The EIAO project will be developed in co-operation and partnership withindustry, service providers and users. It brings together the followinginstitutions from across Europe: Agder University College, Norway (Co-ordinating partner).Vista Utredning AS, Norway.FTB-Volmarstein, Germany.Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.Nettroken AS, Norway.University of Tromso, Norway.FBL, Italy.Technical University of Warsaw, Poland.Aalborg University, Denmark.Intermediaum AS, Norway. The project will be carried out as part of the Web AccessibilityBenchmarking cluster together with projects Support-EAM and BenToWeb Funding: EUR 3,200,000 (total), EUR 2,100,000 (total from the European Commission), EUR 180,000 (AAU funding from the European Commission)
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 01/09/2004 → 29/02/2008 |
- EU FP6: DKK194,530.00
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