Everyday Violence in the Borderlands: Migrant women in transit from Africa to Europe

Project Details


The European Union has externalized and outsourced its border control to North
Africa, using the legitimizing argument that it is a ‘humanitarian move’ that
‘protects human rights and saves lives’. Yet, in the wake of this externalization,
human rights organisations have catalogued a spectrum of violence, such as slave markets, rape, trafficking, sex slavery and sexual violence, types of violence that are specifically gendered. However, exactly how the EU migration politics shapes gendered experiences and the ways in which border violence manifest in North African borderlands remains unexplored.

This project explores the gendered impacts of border violence, a specific form of
violence inextricably linked to EUs migration politics and a key phenomenon in
need of scrutiny. The project offers an anthropological in-depth study on how West African migrant women navigate and negotiate the everyday violence produced in the Tunisian borderlands in the realm of EU migration politics.

Layman's description

Den Europæiske Union har eksternaliseret sin grænsekontrol til Nordafrika ved
hjælp af det legitimerende argument om, at det er et ’humanitært træk’ der
'beskytter menneskerettighederne og redder liv'. Men i kølvandet på denne
eksternalisering har menneskerettighedsorganisationer dokumenteret en række
former for vold, herunder slavemarkeder, voldtægt, menneskehandel, sexslaveri,
seksuel vold - typer af vold, der specifikt er kønnet. Men præcis hvordan EU's
migrationspolitik påvirker kønnede erfaringer og måder, hvorpå ’grænse-vold’
manifesteres i det nordafrikanske grænseland, er fortsat uudforsket.

Gennem antropologisk feltarbejde undersøger projektet de kønsrelaterede effekter af ’grænse-vold’, en specifik form for vold, forbundet med EU's migrationspolitik.

Det undersøges specifikt hvordan vestafrikanske migrantkvinder navigerer og
forhandler grænse-volden i Tunesien - langs den afrikansk-europæiske

Key findings

Migration, Transit, Border, Violence, Gender, North Africa
Effective start/end date01/12/202001/12/2024

Collaborative partners

  • Danish Institute for International Studies (Joint applicant)