Experimental study of surfactants as enhancement of alkaline hydrolysis of NAPL from Høfde 42

Project Details


As participant in the Nort Pest Clean project concerning remediation of the toxic chemical waste depot at Høfde 42, different surfactant formulations will be experimentally evaluated in laboratory tests for their ability to solubilize and mobilize the residual NAPL from the site and for their ability to enhance the planned alkaline hydrolysis.
Effective start/end date01/03/201131/12/2013

Collaborative partners

  • Ramboll Foundation (Project partner)
  • Kogsgaard jord og miljørådgivning (Project partner)
  • GeoSyntec Consultants (Project partner)
  • COWI A/S (Project partner)
  • Region Midtjylland (Project partner)


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