ISISEMD is an ambitious initiative of a number of organizations across Europe that aim to address ageing well, independent living and health issues for old citizens by exploiting the advances of edge converging technologies of Telecommunications and IT. The project will deliver, test and validate a pilot service with the following key characteristics:
Intelligent scalable supporting services targeting elderly people in general or people with pre- and mild dementia within their home environment in the context of ambient assisted living – with the aim to help them to perform independently their every day activities at home and improve their social life
Intelligent additional services for their closest family members aiming to keep them informed at any time for the activities of their loved ones, improving their own quality of life and reducing their anxiety and stress
Intelligent additional services for the care-givers, keep them informed at any time for the activities of their clients and to reduce time and personnel costs, leading indirectly to reduced cost for the whole society
Extensively tested and validated pilot service in four EU Member State regions,
based on an innovative and integrated prototype, built on various ICT technologies that advance the state-of-the-art and involve the most updated standards
A business model framework and business plan with a detailed analysis for the whole value chain of the pilot service.