MADE Fast WP 3.7 - Adaptable Manufacturing Lines and Networks for one-of-a-kind Production in a Smart Factory

Project Details


To allow one-of-a-kind production of customizable products, highly flexible and adaptable production solutions are necessary. Such flexible and adaptable solutions are needed on both process-level, machine-level, line-level and factory-level. In this project, we mainly address the factory and line-level, investigating 1) how to design the digital backbone of a smart factory enabling one-piece order flow and 2) how flexible, intelligent machinery (cyber physical systems) are orchestrated into production lines or alternative structures (such as networks, swarms etc.) allowing dynamic product routing. The overall goal is to identify suitable production structures for high mix – high volume production, and demonstrate the potential in integrating intelligent machinery into a digital ecosystem.
Short titleMADE Fast WP3.7
Effective start/end date02/03/202001/03/2023

Collaborative partners

  • LEGO Systems AS (Project partner)
  • Danfoss AS (Project partner)
  • Technicon A/S (Project partner)
  • B&R Industrial Automation AS (Project partner)
  • KUKA (Project partner)
  • University of Southern Denmark (Joint applicant)


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  • Deconstructing Industry 4.0: Defining the Smart Factory

    Schou, C., Colli, M., Berger, U., Lassen, A. H., Madsen, O., Møller, C. & Wæhrens, B. V., 2022, Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems - Proceedings of the 8th Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference CARV 2021 and 10th World Mass Customization and Personalization Conference MCPC 2021. Andersen, A-L., Andersen, R., Brunoe, T. D., Larsen, M. S. S., Nielsen, K., Napoleone, A. & Kjeldgaard, S. (eds.). Springer Science+Business Media, p. 356-363 8 p. (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering).

    Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review

    5 Citations (Scopus)