MAPIN / Model for Automatic Planning of ICT Networks

  • Nielsen, Rasmus Hjort (Project Participant)
  • Madsen, Ole Brun (Other)

Project Details


• To gather an overview of the current state of the art in network planning and the algo-rithm/tools involved.
• Identify the weaknesses in the current methods to form a base for focus areas for the pro-ject.
• Investigate and analyze the parameters and their impact relevant in network planning with a special focus on the operational planning.
• Setup guidelines and relations for the found network planning parameters.
• Develop new methods and algorithms for automatic network planning, using optimization parameters corresponding to the listed guidelines.
• Develop a test bench usable for testing the proposed method and algorithms along with the parameters and their individual and mutual impact and importance for the overall proper-ties of a network plan.
• Optimising the methods based on the results achieved from the test bench.
• Evaluating the new network planning methods and comparing these to the current state of the art.
• Graph theory in general.
• Algorithmic optimisation methods.
• Statistical methods in relation to processing of data.
• GIS data as a base for the automatic methods.
• Programming to the extent it is necessary to test and confirm results.
Effective start/end date01/01/200631/12/2008

Collaborative partners

  • Institut for Elektroniske Systemer (Project partner)


  • Nordjysk Netforum


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  • CNP / Center for Network Planning

    Madsen, O. B., Jensen, M., Riaz, T., Pedersen, J. M., Knudsen, T. P., Nielsen, R. H., Fjermestad, F., Jacobsen, J., Rasmussen, J., Thomsen, O. K., Andersen, J. R. & Sørensen, J. H.

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    Project: Research