Mapping sustainable practices and alignment with the SDGs at Ørestad, Copenhagen

Project Details


A collaborative research and teaching project between Aalborg University and Ørestad Innovation City Copenhagen. As part of the Tourism Destination Analysis course, over 60 students from the Master of Tourism program works closely with 25 ØICC stakeholders to map their existing sustainable practices and challenges/opportunities to achieve sustainability, in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals. This project provides excellent opportunities for the university to disseminate knowledge and contribute positively to local business and communities, as well as enabling students to develop valuable skills as part of problem-based learning and experiential learning models.
Effective start/end date15/08/201930/11/2019

Collaborative partners

  • Ørestad Innovation City Copenhagen, ØICC


  • SGDs
  • mapping
  • sustainability
  • tourism
  • innovation
  • industry
  • collaboration


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