Modelling and Design of Grid-Forming Control of Wind Power Generation Systems

Project Details


Grid-forming control is considered the promising solution to the stability problems of power grids with high penetration of converter-based resources. Grid-forming power inverters provide voltage- and frequency stability to the power grid, which is required when the total system inertia is reduced due to the lack of conventional synchronous generator-based power plants.
This PhD thesis will investigate the large signal stability of grid-forming wind power generation systems. A main contribution of the thesis is the inclusion of the DC link and electromechanical system in the control system design. Another primary contribution is the analysis of the energy injection requirements of grid-forming inverters during grid events. Based on these analyses the dimensioning and test of sufficient energy storage are performed.

Funding:  Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Effective start/end date01/08/202331/07/2026

Collaborative partners

  • Vestas Wind Systems AS


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