Reliability of Fault tolerant Hybrid Control Systems

    Project Details


    Preliminary description: The main focus is on the reliability analysis of fault tolerant complex control systems. The initiative idea is to find some systematical and qantitative way to analyze the reliability of FTHC systems (e.g., to find out some quantitative criteria to prove that FTC techniques indeed could improve the systems reliability, or some (semi-)optimal trade-off point which balance the reliability and the complexity). This analysis later on could also give some guidelines for FTC design from the reliability perspective. By using hybrid systems as the system platform, probabilistic and statistic analysis as the general tools, we think there could be extensive work he can carry out. The application of the proposed theory/methods could be some industrial case studies which we had some experiences before, such as the off-shore Oil&Gas system, or stable system, multi- pump boosting systems or cotrol of wind turbine system etc.

    Effective start/end date01/12/200830/11/2011


    • <ingen navn>


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