Platform for Innovating Water and Climate Adaption Technologies and Solutions

Project Details


Climate change is a cross-border problem in the Danish-North German region. We have similar topography and climatic conditions, as well as a strong, but stagnant, position in the water sector. It offers the potential for innovation and strengthening business across the border and to increase the region's resilience to climate-related risks - such as cloudbursts, rising temperatures and storms. Among other things, there are increasing challenges with overloading of sewers in the event of a cloudburst, the risk of falling water quality due to rising groundwaterlevel as well as challenges with coastal protection.
To exploit the potential for significant development and export cross-disciplinary cooperation in water management and cross-border climate adaptation is necessary For example, Germany has. extensive experience in the reuse of rainwater and coastal protection, while Denmark has great success in implementing multifunctional climate adaptation solutions.
The new innovative and main goal of the NEPTUN project is to unleash the innovation- and growth potential in the field of water, wastewater and climate adaptation. On the same time the project aims to bridge the supply and demand side across the Danish-German border and, through collaboration, strengthening the program region's resilience to climate-related risks.
The main result is a combination of relationship building and innovation collaborations between universities and companies in water and climate adaptation technologies. It results in 8 new prototypes of eco-innovative products - based on the current challenges of problem owners (municipalities and utilities).
The long-term impact of the project is a significant increase in new eco-friendly water technology solutions, business models and increased visibility of the program region's innovative technology companies (especially SMEs) offering energy and resource-efficient solutions. The project also aims to establish a “Lighthouse of competence” in water and climate adaptation solutions.
Short titleNEPTUN
Effective start/end date02/03/202031/05/2023

Collaborative partners

  • CLEAN Cluster
  • University of Southern Denmark
  • Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
  • Middelfart Kommune
  • Bluekolding Spildevand A/S
  • Region Syddanmark
  • Green Tech Center
  • Middelfart Kommune
  • Learnmark
  • Fredericia Spildevand & Energi
  • Billund Vand & Energi
  • Stadt Flensburg
  • Kreis Nordfriesland


  • European Commission: DKK22,367,823.45


  • Climate change


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