Religion and Modern Culture: Rediscovering Enlightenment Thinking in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

  • Cristoffanini, Pablo Rolando (PI)
  • Casado Jesen, Julio Hans (PI)

    Project Details


    The intention is follow up on Habermas’ and other thinkers’ idea that religion has a cognitive potential, and that modernity is, in many more ways than it acknowledges, indebted to religion. The research question is to identify the various functions of religion in modernity in different discourses: thinking, literature, politics, media, etc. In this way, the idea is to circumscribe at least some of the ways in which religion works in the modern paradigm.
    Short titleReligion and Modern Culture
    Effective start/end date01/05/201731/07/2019

    Collaborative partners

    • Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet