Robotics Research Excellence - Bridging Danish and Korean Robotics Research

Project Details


The purpose of this exploratory activity is the development of a research network of Korean and Danish scholars within the field of Intelligent Robotics & Automation Research. Korean and Danish industries face similar challenges of maintaining their competitiveness in a global market. Hence, for the past decades, an increasing focus has been put on researching and applying state-of-the-art robotic technologies to solve real-world problems and assist industrial companies. The expected outcome of this research network is 1) to identify joint research areas for the partners involved, and 2) to prepare a roadmap for future cooperation on achieving research excellence in robotics. The activities are planned such that we have a natural progression from the initial presentation of key research interests of the respective partners, mutual interests, and new opportunities to an exploratory workshop, towards the creation of a roadmap for future cooperation and extension of the network beyond the funded exploratory activities in 2018.
Effective start/end date01/12/201730/11/2018

Collaborative partners

  • Seoul National University (Project partner)


  • robotics research
  • production
  • digitisation


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  • GINP: Robotics collaboration and network between US and Danish universities

    Chrysostomou, D. (Project Participant), Nalpantidis, L. (Project Participant), Støy, K. (Project Participant), Zhang, X. (Project Participant), Andersen, O. G. (Project Participant), Nielsen, M. B. (Project Manager), Savarimuthu, T. R. (Project Participant), Schlette, C. (Project Participant), Benaoumeur, S. (Project Participant), Goldberg, K. (Project Participant), Christensen, H. (Project Participant), Gupta, S. K. (Project Participant), Cousins, S. (Project Participant), Singh, H. (Project Participant), Scheel, M. (Project Participant) & Smith, M. (Project Participant)


    Project: Research

  • GINP: International Innovation Network Programme on Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

    Chrysostomou, D. (Project Participant), Madsen, O. (Project Participant), Benaoumeur, S. (PI), Petersen, H. G. (Project Participant), Nielsen, M. B. (Project Participant), Nalpantidis, L. (Project Participant), Støy, K. (Project Participant), Zhang, X. (Project Participant), Mouritzen, S. A. (Project Participant), Andersen, O. G. (Project Participant), Han, D. S. (Project Participant), Kong, S. H. (Project Participant), Ryu, J.-H. (Project Participant), Hong, S. (Project Participant) & Kim, H. (Project Participant)


    Project: Research