The project will develop collection solutions that achieve increased collection rates of used textile and investigate the opportunities for using centralized resources in the Nordics to achieve economies of scale in sorting. A systematic map of the market for recycled raw material and reused textiles will be created to identify the potential for new business opportunities
The project is co-funded by Nordic Innovation and constitutes of the following organisations/companies: Aalborg University, Aalto University, Avfall Norge, Avfall Sverige, Better World Fashion, Björk & Frihet, Chalmers Industriteknik, Convert, DHL, Fastighets AB Balder, Göteborg Kretslopp och Vatten, Göteborgsregionen, Integrate, Kruse Vaskeri, Kungälv kommun, Mölndals stad, NTNU (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet), Nudie Jeans, Röda korset, Trasborg, TRV Gruppen, UFF, VEASAR, VTI (Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute).