Purpose, functionality and reconceptualization of Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) - a patient participation perspective

Project Details


The research project examines the purpose, functionality and conceptualization of patient-reported outcome (PRO) in a patient participation perspective. The connection between PRO and patient participation is investigated via a comprehensive scoping review and ethnographic methods. Patients participation is examined between outpatient consultations, and during patient-provider-consultations, hence the study aims to capture a wide range of aspects concerning PRO and patient participation. Besides patient participation, concepts like patient recognition, patient empowerment and digitalization are focal.

Project period:
01-02-2018 - 31-01-2021

PhD-fellow Jeppe Eriksen, Associate Professor Pernille Bertelsen and Professor Ann Bygholm

The project is co-financed by The Danish Health Data Authority, Dachi and The Department of Planning (AAU).
Short titlePatient-Reported Outcome (PRO) and Patient Participation
Effective start/end date01/02/201831/01/2021

Collaborative partners

  • Sundhedsdatastyrelsen