Unge danskeres oplevelse og erindring af angrebet på World Trade Center/Perceptions and memory of the World Trade Center attack among young Danes

Project Details


Projektet skal bidrage til belysning af forholdet mellem emotion og kognition samt mellem individuel og kollektiv hukommelse. Grundforskningsprojekt, som anvender en metode, der er blevet udviklet og afprøvet inden for den økologiske hukommelsesforskningstradition i løbet af de sidste 25 år. Desuden inddrages nogle socialpsykologiske perspektiver, som inden for de seneste år er opstået i relation til traditionen. Longitudinel undersøgelse indledt d. 12. september 2001. A longitudinal investigation of young Danes' perception and memory for the World Trade Center attack was initiated Sept. 12th 2001. Recollections of how one came to know about a surpring, emotional, and consequential public event are called flashbulb memories. Within naturalistic approaches to memory research, they have been pivotal for investigating the relationship between emotion and memory for the past couple of decades, and more recently results have been discussed in relation to applied concerns as well as theoretical ones. The present study adds new empirical findings to this research. Additionally, perceptions and memories of the event are discussed in terms of interactions between individual and collective memory. (Tia Hansen)
Effective start/end date12/09/200119/12/2006


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