Virtual Open-Access Network for Education and Training – Enhancing (VOANET)

Project Details


To strengthen electronic interconnectivity between the consortium universities? existing network, through the establishment of a virtual network. Thereby, enhancing networking, joint course development, communication and information exchange for higher education. The project targets higher education students and academics within the areas of environment and development at universities in Malaysia, Thailand, Spain and Denmark. The project is supported by the Asia-Link Programme of the European Commission. (Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld (projektleder), Thomas Ryberg, Laura Zurita, Marianne Georgsen; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet; Handelshøjskolen i København; Roskilde Universitet; Danmarks Kunstakademi; Arkitekthøjskolen; Universiti Malaya; Universiti Kabangsaan; Universiti Putra Malaysia; Universiti Teknologi Malaysia; Chiang Mai University, Chulalongkorn University, Mahidol University, The Prince of Songkhla University, Thailand)
Effective start/end date01/01/200331/12/2005


  • Asia IT&C


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