Visualization and Adaptive Real-Time Storytelling - for Film, Animation and Games

  • Fog, Henrik Schønau (PI)
  • Larsen, Bjarke Alexander (Project Participant)
  • Reng, Lars (Project Participant)
  • Bruni, Luis Emilio (Project Participant)
  • Selvig, Dines Rae (Project Participant)
  • Mødekjær, Camilla (Project Participant)
  • Hussain, Aishah (Project Participant)
  • Pasalic, Ademir (Project Participant)
  • Thomsen, Mathias Ramsø (Project Participant)
  • Ditlevsen, Daniel Herrero (Project Participant)
  • Gymoese, Thomas (Project Participant)
  • Risvang, Alexander Kure (Project Participant)

Project Details


WHAT?ViZARTS is a collaboratorium and exploratorium, where Filmmakers, Animators, Game developers and Techies explore, research and create new filmic experiences together using state-of-the-art virtual production and real-time game technologies. We produce and experiment at our open Labs and share the knowledge at the annual Summit events.
HOW?The mission is to:– Exploit Real-Time Visualization and Animation Tools– Explore the potential of Digital Filmmaking
– Research Real-Time Interactive Narratives– Experiment with Virtual Production and Game Technologies– Create Adaptive Real-Time Storytelling Experiences
WHY?In order to create novel forms of filmmaking and (interactive) storytelling, it is essential to acquire hands-on experiences on how real-time virtual production technologies can contribute to more efficient and creative productions without increasing the budget.
Supported by:Nordisk Film Fonden, Samsung and Aalborg University, Copenhagen
In collaboration with:FilmWorkshop Copenhagen, The National Film School of Denmark, Truemax Copenhagen Academy, Super16, The Danish Technical University (DTU Compute: Image Analysis & Computer Graphics dept), Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design and Vision Denmark.

Layman's description

ViZARTS is where Filmmakers and Techies share their experiences to shape the future of filmmaking, animation, game development and storytelling.
Short titleThe ViZARTS Project
Effective start/end date01/10/2019 → …


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    1 Citation (Scopus)