“Там, где другие видят мусор, мы видим сокровища” : устойчивая мода в скандинавских странах

Translated title of the contribution: “Where others see waste, we see treasures”: Sustainable fashion in Scandinavian countries

Olga Gurova, Daria Morozova

    Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review


    This article discusses the concept of sustainable fashion, by which is understood fashion produced and consumed with a responsible attitude towards people and the planet. Drawing on literature, the article traces controversies and paradoxes within this concept. Sustainable fashion is analyzed in the context of Scandinavian countries, where it has gained popularity not only among fashion designers. Sustainable fashion has been linked to the circular economy, a regenerative economic system based on principles of ‘closed loops’; a transition to the circular economy has become one of the policy goals of the European Union as well as of nation states in Europe. On a practical level, the article looks at three cases of Scandinavian fashion brands, which implement different elements of sustainable fashion. Overall, the article contemplates the reasons for the popularity of sustainable fashion in Scandinavian countries, where governments, businesses and consumers have been showing a growing level of interest in it.
    Translated title of the contribution“Where others see waste, we see treasures”: Sustainable fashion in Scandinavian countries
    Original languageRussian
    JournalFashion Theory. The Journal of Dress, Body & Culture (Russian Edition)
    Pages (from-to)75-96
    Number of pages21
    Publication statusPublished - 2019


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