Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Preserves Leg Lean Mass in Geriatric Patients

Anders Karlsen, Christopher Kjaer Cullum, Kristoffer Larsen Norheim, Frederik Ulrik Scheel, Amanda Hempel Zinglersen, Julie Vahlgren, Peter Schjerling, Michael Kjaer, Abigail L Mackey

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AIM: To examine changes in lean mass during hospitalization in geriatric patients and the effect of muscle activation by neuromuscular electrical stimulation.

METHODS: Thirteen patients (69-94 years) at a geriatric ward completed tests at hospital admission (day 2-3) and discharge (day 8-10). One leg received daily stimulation of the knee extensors while the other leg served as a control leg. Lean mass was evaluated by DEXA scans and muscle thickness by ultrasound scans. Muscle biopsies were collected from both legs at admission and discharge in 9 patients and analyzed for fibre size, satellite cell number and activation and expression of genes associated with muscle protein synthesis and breakdown, connective tissue and cellular stress.

RESULTS: The relative decline in leg lean mass and midthigh region lean mass was larger in the control (-2.8±1.5%) vs. the stimulated leg (-0.5±1.4%, p<0.05). Although there were no changes in fibre size or satellite cell number, the mRNA data revealed that, compared to control, the stimulation resulted in a downregulation of Myostatin (p<0.05) and a similar trend for MAFbx (p=0.099), together with an upregulation of Collagen I (p<0.001), TenascinC (p<0.001), CD68 (p<0.01) and Ki67 (p<0.05) mRNA.

CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate a moderate decline in leg lean mass during a hospital stay in geriatric patients, while leg lean mass was preserved with daily neuromuscular electrical muscle activation. At the cellular level the stimulation had a clear influence on suppression of atrophy signaling pathways in parallel with a stimulation of connective tissue and cellular remodeling processes.

Original languageEnglish
JournalMedicine and Science in Sports and Exercise
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)773-784
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020


  • Muscle atrophy
  • gene expression
  • muscle activation
  • neuromuscular electrical stimulation
  • satellite cells


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