A 3-10 GHz IR-UWB CMOS Pulse Generator With 6-mW Peak Power Dissipation Using A Slow-Charge Fast-Discharge Technique

Ming Shen, Ying-Zheng Yin, Hao Jiang, Tian Tong, Jan H. Mikkelsen

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This letter proposes a UWB pulse generator topology featuring low peak power dissipation for applications with stringent instantaneous power requirements. This is accomplished by employing a new slow-charge fast-discharge approach to extend the time duration of the generator's peak current so that the peak value of the current is significantly reduced, while maintaining the waveform of the generated UWB pulse signal. A prototype pulse generator has been implemented using the UMC 0.18 μm CMOS process for validation. The pulse generator offers a 3-10 GHz bandwidth, a maximum pulse repetitive rate of 1 Gpps, a minimum peak power consumption of 6 mW, and a low energy consumption of 5 pJ/pulse. The fabricated pulse generator measures 0.16 mm2.
Original languageEnglish
JournalI E E E Microwave and Wireless Components Letters
Issue number9
Pages (from-to)634-636
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jul 2014


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