A cognitive mess: Mixed feelings about wind farms on the Danish coast and the emotions of energy infrastructure opposition

Paul Upham*, Katinka Johansen

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The majority of local respondents in a large-scale survey were in favour of planned local wind farms on theDanish coast, despite these wind farm plans being the source of wider public and political contestation andopposition. Here we discuss results from the open-ended questions in the survey, specifically focusing oncommentsexpressinghowsomerespondentsfeltsplitintheirviewsofthesewindfarms,acceptingtheneedforrenewableenergywhileatthesametimebeingconcernedaboutthepotentiallocalimpactofthewindfarms.Building on previous theoretical propositions relating to energy infrastructure opposition, here we apply theconceptofcognitivepolyphasiainsomedepth,providingasocio-cognitiveaccountoftheinternalcontradictionof being positively disposed to renewable energy in principle, but concerned about or opposed to specific de-velopments in localities. We distinguish a cognitive polyphasic account of such mixed feelings from cognitivedissonanceaccounts,andweidentify severaltypesofpolyphasicrepresentations,providingabasisforfurtherworkinothercases
Original languageEnglish
Article number101489
JournalEnergy Research & Social Science
Issue numberAugust
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 14 May 2020


  • Acceptance
  • Cognitive polyphasia
  • Nearshore wind
  • Offshore wind
  • Public objection
  • Social representations


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