A preliminary analysis of main barriers to implement collaborative freight transportation using a DEMATEL method

Ahmed Karam Abdelfattah Mostafa, Kristian Hegner Reinau, Nicolò Daina, Jianlin Luan, Christian Richter Østergaard, Ulf Preisler

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


In the recent years, Horizontal Collaboration
(HC) has gained an increasing attention in literature as an
efficient practice for sustainable freight transportation.
However, successful applications of HC in freight
transportation, are rarely reported. This paper contributes to
literature by a Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation
Laboratory (DEMATEL)-based approach to develop a better
understanding of the main barriers to the implementation of
collaborative freight transportation in practice. A set of barriers
is identified by an extensive literature review, and is grouped
into six categories, i.e. “Design of the collaboration process”,
“Information sharing and collection”, “ Partners’ behaviors and
their relationships”, “Decision making algorithm”, “Web-based
information system”, and “Market structure and regulating
laws”. Then, the DEMATEL method is used to develop causality
and prominence relations among these categories. Finally, the
contributions of barrier categories to the success of the
collaboration process and interrelationships among them are
determined. The results of this work can provide guidelines to
decision makers to address those critical barriers for making
collaborative logistics practices a success.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT 2019)
Publication date2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Event7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT) - Marrakech, Morocco
Duration: 14 Jun 201916 Jun 2019


Conference7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT)
Internet address


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  • DiRECTLY: DiRECTLY: Databased REal-time CollaboraTive Logistics sYstem - 15,1 million Dkr

    Reinau, K. H. (PI), Østergaard, C. R. (Project Participant), Luan, J. (Project Participant), Frigaard, P. (Project Participant), Daina, N. (Project Participant), Andersen, M. B. (Project Participant), Pedersen, F. N. (Project Participant), Tranberg, C. B. (Project Participant), Bakkegaard, L. (Project Participant), Preisler, U. (Project Participant), Stenbæk, J. H. (Project Participant), Høy, P. (Project Participant), Stakenaite, D. (Project Coordinator) & Karam, A. (PI)


    Project: Research

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