A Temperature-dependent Thermal Model of Silicon Carbide MOSFET Module for Long-term Reliability Assessment

Mengxing Chen, Huai Wang, Frede Blaabjerg, Xiongfei Wang, Donghua Pan

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review

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The silicon carbide (SiC) device is by far the most promising technology for the next-generation power electronic systems. However, the wide application of SiC device is inhibited by its reliability uncertainties, and a comprehensive SiC thermal model, which considers the temperature-dependency, is still missing for long-term reliability assessment. Thus, this paper proposes a temperature-dependent thermal model of SiC MOSFET module, which is composed of RC lumped elements and it is suitable for long-term reliability analysis. To begin with, the temperature-dependent thermal properties of the packaging materials (including SiC) are fully investigated. Then, the finite element method (FEM) based analysis containing temperature-dependency is utilized to extract both the self-heating and cross-coupling thermal impedances. Finally, a diagram of the RC lumped temperature-dependent thermal model is proposed, which is verified using a 3-level active neutral-point clamped (3-L ANPC) study case by performing its PLECS simulation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the IEEE 4th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC 2018)
Number of pages7
PublisherIEEE Press
Publication dateDec 2018
ISBN (Print)978-1-5386-8258-6
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-5386-8257-9
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2018
EventThe 4th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2018 - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Duration: 10 Dec 201813 Dec 2018


ConferenceThe 4th IEEE Southern Power Electronics Conference, SPEC 2018
LocationNanyang Technological University


  • silicon carbide power device
  • temperature-dependent thermal model
  • thermal coupling effect
  • finite element method
  • RC lumped thermal model


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  • IEEE SPEC 2018 Best Paper Award

    Chen, M. (Recipient), Wang, H. (Recipient), Blaabjerg, F. (Recipient), Wang, X. (Recipient) & Pan, D. (Recipient), Dec 2018

    Prize: Conference prizes


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