ALIGNED D1.2: A scientific framework for the Life Cycle Assessment of bio-based products

Massimo Pizzol, Agneta Ghose, Søren Løkke, Kíra Lancz, Marcos DB Watanabe, Nariê Rinke Dias de Souza, Francesco Cherubini, Ugo Javourez, Damien Arbault, Lorie Hamelin, Maxim Tschulkow , Steven Van Passel

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The poster presents the deliverable D1.2 “Description of scientific methods” of the ALIGNED project (Horizon Europe), that proposes the results of the project work to derive a scientific framework for the life cycle assessment of bio-based products – to be applied in the project and more broadly to improve the environmental performance of bio-based industrial activities in multiple sectors.

We reviewed, selected, and further developed and made operational best available methods for the assessment of bio-based products encompassing all the four ISO phases (from goal and scope to interpretation) – the results is a coherent framework that includes approaches, methods, and tools, that can be used consistently together and have high scientific soundness and are evidence-based, with as little normative elements as possible.

In particular the framework includes: methods for generating dynamic background systems for prospective LCA of bio-based products; methods for identification of market constraints to the supply of biomass; methods for time and space-dependent carbon accounting in bio-based carbon uptake and release activities able to return mass balanced carbon inventories; methods and characterisation factors for dynamic assessment of climate change and spatially explicit assessment of biodiversity impacts; methods for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis in bio-based sectors; methods for socio-economic assessment in bio-based sectors. Additionally, methods and tools are provided for sharing and publishing life cycle inventory data, sharing them, importing in software, and enhancing reproducibility and in compliance with FAIR principles and GLAD requirements.

The deliverable D1.2 consists of a series of documents such as guidelines, routines, algorithms, datasets, models, spreadsheets, calculators, codes, and notebooks - all available in open access task-specific project repositories. The presentation will describe the specific purpose and associated content of each part of the methodological framework and provide an overview and map for understanding and navigating the material associated with the deliverable and how to access and use it.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2024
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2024
EventSETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium: Making LCA Meaningful: Good Data, Better Models, Sustainable Decisions - Gothenburg, Sweden
Duration: 21 Oct 202423 Oct 2024


ConferenceSETAC Europe 26th LCA Symposium
Internet address


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