An analysis of multi objective energy scheduling in PV-BESS system under prediction uncertainty

Unnikrishnan Raveendran Nair, Monika Sandelic, Ariya Sangwongwanich, Tomislav Dragicevic, Ramon Costa Castello, Frede Blaabjerg

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Energy storage systems (ESSs) are being considered to overcome issues in modern grids, caused by increasing penetration of renewable generation. Nevertheless, integration of ESS should also be supplemented with an optimal energy management framework to ensure maximum benefits from ESS. Conventional energy management of battery, used with PV system, maximises self-consumption but does not mitigate grid congestion or address battery degradation. Model predictive control (MPC) can alleviate congestion, degradation while maximizing self-consumption. As such, studies will be carried out, in this work, to highlight the improvement with MPC based energy management over conventional method using simulations of one-year system behaviour. As MPC uses forecast information in decision making, the impact of forecast uncertainties will be assessed and addressing the same through constraint tightening will be presented. It is concluded that MPC provides improvement in system behaviour over multiple performance criteria.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9340236
JournalI E E E Transactions on Energy Conversion
Issue number3
Pages (from-to)2276-2286
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2021


  • Model predictive control
  • PV system
  • battery management
  • grid congestion degradation


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