Analyses and Full-Duplex Applications of Circularly Polarized OAM Arrays Using Sequentially Rotated Configuration

Yiming Zhang, Jia-Lin Li

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This paper presents the analyses of circularly polarized orbital angular momentum (OAM) ring arrays using sequentially rotated configurations. For the studied OAM-based microstrip antenna arrays, the relationship between the excitation settings and the generated OAM modes are studied together with the axial ratio (AR) bandwidths at the beam maximums. Furthermore, a dual-OAM-mode circularly polarized array is proposed for full-duplex applications. Based on the presented OAM-mode selection method, the self-interference due to the strong mutual coupling within the array can be well canceled, leading to a high interport isolation. A demonstrator centered at 15 GHz with OAM modes of +1 and +2 is developed and fabricated for verification purposes. The demonstrator uses a sharing antenna scheme for the two OAM modes to realize a compact architecture. Measured results indicate that the demonstrator characterizes good interport isolation within a wide bandwidth from 13.92 to 16.38 GHz referring to a 45 dB level as well as wide AR bandwidths at the beam maximums.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Pages (from-to)7010-7020
Number of pages11
Publication statusPublished - 26 Sept 2018
Externally publishedYes


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