Anti-windup higher derivative Newton-based extremum seeking under input saturation

Farzaneh Karimi*, Mosen Mojiri, R Izadi-Zamanabadi, Hossein Ramezani, Iman Izadi

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The physical constraint of actuators in practical systems, such as actuator magnitude saturation, can significantly impact the behaviour of control systems. To address this issue, a fast learning mechanism is introduced in this paper for constrained input in higher derivatives Newton-based extremum seeking. The approach employs a constrained optimisation method with an anti-windup loop based on a wide range of penalty functions to adapt the search and prevent the violation of constraints, thereby avoiding windup of integral action in a controller. The practical asymptotic stability of the proposed algorithm is proven through a modified singular perturbation method, and its effectiveness is validated through simulations.

Translated title of the contributionAnti-Windup højere afledt Newton-baseret extremum søgning under aktuator begrænsning
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Systems Science
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Dec 2024


  • averaging theory
  • Extremum seeking
  • input constraint
  • penalty function
  • singular perturbation


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