Automated Method for High Throughput Screening of Nematodes

S Gill, Matthew (Inventor), Anders Olsen (Inventor), J Lithgow, Gordon (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


This invention provides a high throughput survival assay, using uptake of a marker dye (e.g. a fluorescent dye) as a marker of death of a nematode. The assay permits high throughput screening of thousands of compounds possible. By the application of automated worm handling technology we are able to accurately dispense nematodes into 384 well microtitre plates, at rates many thousand of Limes faster than previously possible. In addition, we have automated the analysis of survival by the use of a fluorometric plate reader that quantitates the degree of fluorescence within each well.

Original languageEnglish
IPCG01N 33/ 50 A I
Patent numberWO2004033654
Priority date09/10/2002
Priority numberUS20020417465P
Publication statusPublished - 22 Apr 2004
Externally publishedYes


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