Bildung and competence in an evaluation perspective

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The paper discusses the concept of bildung, its relation to the concept of competence and the implications of these concepts for evaluation and assesment of education and learning. The paper relates to ongoing debates among Danish educationalists, especially during the last decade. It is argued that the humanist tradition of bildung draws on important ideas about freedom and community, but that it is also rooted in bourgeois elite culture. It is further argued that the concept of competence, which does not have this cultural bias, may be a viable alternative to the concept of bildung.
Original languageEnglish
Publication dateFeb 2022
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2022
EventBildung-gospel: a salvation to wicket problems? - University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland
Duration: 9 Feb 20229 Feb 2022


SeminarBildung-gospel: a salvation to wicket problems?
LocationUniversity of Tampere


  • Evaluation
  • Assessment
  • Bildung
  • Competence


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