BIM-based 3D Cadastral Management

Jing Sun, Jenny PAULSSON, Lars Harrie, Kent Eriksson, Jesper Mayntz Paasch, Väino Tarandi

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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For 3D cadastral management, the major purpose is the ability of developing and managing 3D cadastre digitally, holistically and sustainably. To achieve
that, the project BIM-based 3D cadastral management has had a main focus on how to use a BIM approach in the digitalization of 3D cadastral management through an interdisciplinary methodology. The research team has consisted of researchers from KTH, Lund University, Universityof Gävle and Lantmäteriet,
as well as collaboration with a reference group from the City of Stockholm and industry companies.

In the project, two work packages have been carried out: Work Package 1 – lifecycle of the Swedish 3D property formation process and Work Package 2 –
cadastre ecosystem. The WP1 has developed a BIM-based lifecycle of the Swedish 3D real property formation process in the IDM process map to fill in
the gap of how relative 3D cadastral data, 2D/3D GIS data and BIM models could be shared, exchanged and stored through activities between different actors. The WP2 has proposed and built a new multidiscplinary collaboration network – Business ecosystem-based cadastral management and expanding to
a wider framework – Cadastre ecosystem, which could link the pillars policy, actors, process, technology and business together for a better and deeper
understanding of sustainable 3D cadastral management from legal, technical, registration and organizational perspectives.

Overall, the findings show that the integration of BIM and 3D GIS for 3D cadastre can provide involved actors with necessary and accurate information,
knowledge and insight that enhances financial, environmental, and social outcomes sustainably for both cities and citizens. Furthermore, the cadastre
ecosystem has abilities to facilitate policy implementation, coordinate actors’ collaboration, improve processes efficiency, achieve technology integration
and innovation and create value across multidisciplinary complementary contributions. In the end, the authors provide recommendations from policy,
actors, process, technology and business aspects that would holistically facilitate the digitalization of the lifecycle 3D cadastral management and
accelerate the development of the cadastral ecosystem sustainably.

The target group / stakeholders for the result of this project would be everyone participating in or being affected by 3D property formation, both in
new construction and within the existing building stock, such as municipal and state administrators, applicants / property owners, developers, citizens, politicians, authorities and other organizations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationStockholm
Number of pages61
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Bibliographical note

The report is a delivery from the Smart Built
Environment project “BIM-based 3D Cadastral
Management” (SWE: BIM-baserad hantering av 3Dfastighetsinformation.


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