Business Model Configurations: Paving the Road for Comparable Data on Business Models

Research output: PhD thesis

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This research aims to strengthen the theoretical basis within the field of business models, by proposing a way to develop comparable data on the concept. The main contribution comprises a software-based structure referred to as Business Model QUANT (BMQ), which enables more precise and consistent data collection and data management of business models. The software comprises two main modules: a relational database representing the analytical construct and a questionnaire module for data collection that links directly to the database. Although more research is needed in the future, this dissertation represents an important milestone as it accounts for the origin and the development of BMQ research instrument. Moreover, it investigates the application potential to existing fields of research, including business models, business model innovation, management accounting and intellectual capital, and looks towards practical contributions.
Translated title of the contributionForretningsmodelkonfigurationer: Nye Veje for Komparativ Data på Forretningsmodeller
Original languageEnglish
  • Lund, Morten, Principal supervisor
Electronic ISBNs978-87-7210-630-4
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Bibliographical note

PhD supervisor:
Associate Prof. Morten Lund, Aalborg University

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