Cadastral Modeling: Grasping the objectives

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Modeling is a term that refers to a variety of efforts, including data and process modeling. The domain to be modeled may be a department, an organization, or even an industrial sector. E-business presupposes the modeling of an industrial sector, a substantial task. Cadastral modeling compares to the modeling of an industrial sector, as it aims at rendering the basic concepts that relate to the domain of real estate and the pertinent human activities. The palpable objects are pieces of land and buildings, documents, data stores and archives, as well as persons in their diverse roles as owners, holders of assets, experts, and holders of authority. More subtle objects are rights and restrictions, which relate persons through enforceable rules and commitments. The objective of this fabric of complex relations is to provide a stable and yet flexible frame for legal-economic dispositions that are related to land. The paper advances the position that cadastral modeling has to include not only the physical objects, agents, and information sets of the domain, but also the objectives or requirements of cadastral systems.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationStandardization in the cadastral domain : proceedings
EditorsPeter van Oosterom, Christoph Schlieder, Jaap Zevenbergen, Claudia Hess, Christiaan Lemmen, Elfriede Fendel
PublisherInternational Federation of Surveyors
Publication date2005
ISBN (Print)8790907361
Publication statusPublished - 2005
EventConference on Standardization in the Cadastral Domain - Bamberg, Germany
Duration: 9 Dec 200410 Dec 2004


ConferenceConference on Standardization in the Cadastral Domain


  • Modeling
  • Cadastral systems
  • Multiagent systems
  • Requirements analysis
  • Tropos methodology


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