Can a Serious Game Be Designed to Increase Engagement in a Mandatory Postmodern Novella at Danish Gymnasiums?

Mads Strømberg Petersen, Gustav Søgaard Jakobsen, Daniel Bredgaard Hendriksen, Niklas Lee Skjold Hansen, Thomas Bjørner*

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For this study, we designed a serious game to engage Danish gymnasium students when reading the novella A Love Story, written by the prize-winning Danish author Naja Marie Aidt. The novella is mandatory reading in postmodernism. The study included 41 students from two Danish gymnasiums, who were divided into three classes. Two classes were included in the experimental study, which employed the serious game as part of reading the novella. One class served as the control group and engaged only in an analog reading of the novella. The evaluation criteria, which were assessed through a questionnaire, were based on items from the reading engagement index, the user engagement scale, and the narrative engagement scale. Furthermore, the evaluation consisted of in-depth interviews with teachers and students. The findings revealed a positive effect on students’ engagement in the experimental group and the possibility for future work in the field of serious games implemented in high school curricula. The serious game developed for this study balanced challenge and skills appropriately, but it could be improved in terms of the story world and controls.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGames and Learning Alliance. GALA 2021
Editorsde Rosa Francesca , Iza Marfisi Schottman, Jannicke Baalsrud Hauge, Francesco Bellotti, Pierpaolo Dondio, Margarida Romero
Number of pages11
Publication date2021
ISBN (Print)978-3-030-92181-1
ISBN (Electronic)978-3-030-92182-8
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Event10th International Conference, GALA 2021 - La Spezia, Italy
Duration: 1 Dec 20212 Dec 2021


Conference10th International Conference, GALA 2021
City La Spezia
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science


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