Changes in oto-acoustic emissions after exposure to live music

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingArticle in proceedingResearchpeer-review


Distortion Product Oto-acoustic Emissions (DPOAE) and Transient Evoked Oto-acoustic Emissions (TEOAE) were measured in subjects before and after attendance to live music. The changes measured were compared to the exposure levels measured at the position of the subject. The main objectives of this experiment were two fold: 1) to assess the validity of the proposed measurement protocol to measure changes in DPOAE and TEOAE after a concert; 2) to test the reliability of the oto-acoustic emission measurement system under field conditions; Initial results shows that it is possible to measure changes in hearing after exposures of relative short duration (<1.5 hours). There are large individual differences both in sound exposure levels as well as in the changes on oto-acoustic emissions produced by similar exposures. Current results will be presented.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Acoustics 2012 Hong Kong
Number of pages6
PublisherThe Hong Kong Institute of Acoustics (HKIOA)
Publication date2012
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventAcoustics 2012 Hong Kong - Hong Kong, China
Duration: 13 May 201218 May 2012


ConferenceAcoustics 2012 Hong Kong
CityHong Kong

Bibliographical note

Session 1pNSb. Noise and ASA Committee on Standards: Annoyance and Health Effects II
Paper 1pNSb3.


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