Collaboration as a cornerstone in public sector innovation: The case of Denmark

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Public sector innovation has politically come more into focus as a tool to meet future challenges. However, there is a need to increase our knowledge on innovation activity in the public sector. In this chapter, we provide insights on innovation in Danish public workplaces by exploring recent survey data. We present evidence on the overall activity levels and types of innovation. We focus on the extent of collaborative innovation between workplaces and firms, citizens, research institutions, etc. Results show that 80% of all types of innovations involve some kind of collaboration, a level similar to that of other Nordic countries. External collaboration on innovation enhances knowledge; competences for problem solving, in turn increase productivity.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGlobalisation, new and emerging technologies, and sustainable development : The Danish Innovation System in Transition
EditorsJesper Lindgaard Christensen, Birgitte Gregersen, Jacob Rubæk Holm, Edward Lorenz
Number of pages17
Place of PublicationLondon
Publication date3 May 2021
ISBN (Print)9780367480479
ISBN (Electronic)9781000368727
Publication statusPublished - 3 May 2021
SeriesRoutledge Studies in Innovation, Organizations and Technology

Bibliographical note

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© Designs and Patents Act 1988.


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