Complexity, Learning and Music Therapy: Cybernetic Psychology as a Tool for Understanding the Therapist Student’s Learning Processes

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


As a future therapist, it is of vital importance to achieve therapeutic competencies so as to be able to help future clients in the best way possible. This not only involves acquiring knowledge and understanding theory, it also involves developing the ability to reflect as well as acquiring knowledge of practice and method through self-experience. This chapter focuses on the experiences of music therapy students regarding their learning through training therapy as an integrated part of education and training. The chapter gives the therapy students a voice through a series of quotations from interviews, where the students describe their learning processes. This illustrates how the students can expand and practise awareness and increase their knowledge of themselves and their own relational patterns. The cybernetic approach offers a way to understand more deeply the layers of complexity in therapeutic learning processes.

Translated title of the contributionKompleksitet, læring og musikterapi: Kybenetisk psykologi som en vej til at forstå kommende terapeuters læreprocesser
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUnconscious Intelligence in Cybernetic Psychology
EditorsTorben Hansen, Henrik Hass
Number of pages13
Publication date2023
ISBN (Electronic)9781003360247
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 selection and editorial matter, Torben Hansen and Henrik Hass; individual chapters, the contributors.


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