Consumer involvement in the transition to 4th generation district heating

Louise Krog Elmegaard Mouritsen, Karl Sperling, Michael Kvist Svangren, Frede Hvelplund

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In the transition towards 4th generation district heating (4GDH), supply and demand side measures have to be coordinated better than in previous generations of district heating (DH). The heat demand of buildings has to be reduced, and heating installations as well as consumer behaviour have to be adapted so as to be compatible with and support lower network temperatures. It is therefore necessary to investigate and understand how consumers can be meaningfully and strategically included in the transition towards 4GDH. This paper provides a literature review of the consumer level’s role during 4GDH in the transition towards 100% renewable energy systems. Current literature on 4GDH has been investigated to identify the connection and involvement of consumers in the transition. Even though consumers within the existing building mass have a large role in the transition in terms of heat savings and instalment of energy efficient technologies in the buildings, only a few publications address how these actions should be implemented at consumer level. From the results of the analysis it is recommended that further research should investigate how to strengthen the coordination between the supply and demand side in order to secure the right 4GDH initiatives are implemented in the right order.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management
Pages (from-to)141-152
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 28 Sept 2020


  • 4 generation district heating
  • Consumer involvement
  • Low-temperature district heating
  • Supply and demand side management


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