Cooperation: The Cutting-Edge of Wireless Location (TUTORIAL)

Francescantonio Della Rosa, Simone Frattasi, Joao Figueiras

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingResearch


Conventional software applications are usually operated on a platform similar to the one on which they were developed and tested. Wireless application development, on the other hand, is more challenging because applications are developed on one platform (like UNIX or Windows) and deployed on a totally different platform like a mobile phone or a BlackBerry device. While wireless applications can be much smaller than conventional desktop applications, developers should think in the small in
terms of the devices on which the applications will run and the environment in which they will operate instead of the amount of code to be written.

This tutorial will help participants understand the different technologies that can be used to develop wireless applications for handheld wireless devices. Participants will acquire knowledge about wireless programming techniques in general and Java programming for mobile devices using the Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME) in particular, and how/when to use them. Sample applications and services will be demoed during the tutorial.
The list of topics to be discussed include:

- Application platforms (WAP, Java ME, BREW)
- Designing wireless applications
- Wireless application programming models
- Testing and deploying wireless applications
- Applying the Service-Oriented Architecture
- Web services for mobile devices
- Securing wireless applications and service
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Wireless Applications and Computing (WAC)
Publication date2011
Publication statusPublished - 2011
EventWireless Applications and Computing (WAC) - Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 7 Jul 20077 Jul 2007


ConferenceWireless Applications and Computing (WAC)


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