Cost-Effective Mass Production of Mono Bucket Foundations

Søren A. Nielsen, Lars Bo Ibsen, Szymon Gres

Research output: Contribution to conference without publisher/journalPosterResearch

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Today, the basis for design and manufacturing of offshore foundations is inherited from oil and gas industry where the small repeatability in manufacturing is the case and the cost implications are different. The total opposite is the case when considering offshore Wind Turbine Generator foundations where mass production is needed.

The project is planed for a duration of 3 years and is supported by Innovation Fund Denmark and has the following partners: DTU Wind Energy, FORCE Technology, LIC Engineering, AAU Civil and M-tech. The € 4 mill. project involves more than 25 researchers, Ph.D.'s and developers.
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2015
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventEWEA 2015 Annual Event - Paris, France
Duration: 17 Nov 201520 Nov 2015


ConferenceEWEA 2015 Annual Event

Bibliographical note

PO: 242


  • Offshore foundations
  • Windturbines
  • Foundations
  • Mono bucket foundations
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Mass production


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