Dannelse, kompetence og evaluering

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    The article discusses the concept of Bildung and the preconditions for evaluating Bildung as part of processes of education. I point out that the neo-humanist tradition of Bildung, which has had predominant influence on education and pedagogy in Denmark, is ambiguous. On one hand it draws on important ideas about freedom, community and dignity, on the other hand it is linked to a bourgeois elite culture that has acted as a hidden curriculum in education. I argue that the concept of competence corresponds in many ways to the concept of Bildung, but without the cultural bias of Bildung. I discuss ways of evaluating Bildung and competence.
    Original languageDanish
    Article number7
    Issue number24
    Pages (from-to)18-25
    Number of pages8
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Apr 2019


    • Bildung
    • pedagogy
    • educational objectives
    • competence
    • evaluation

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