Dilemmaer i translation og transformation af erfaringsbaserede kollaborative læringsformer til digitale læringsplatforme

Camilla Gyldendahl Jensen, Susanne Dau, Nicolaj Riise Clausen, Thomas Ryberg, Lykke Brogaard Bertel

Research output: Contribution to journalJournal articleResearchpeer-review

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Experientialcollaborative learning (ECL) such as problem-based learningandreflectivepractice-based learningcontribute to the development of 21stcentury competencies central to the advancement of practice and profession. Traditionally, these forms of learning have often been physically situated, but inrecent years, and particularlyduringCovid-19 lockdowns, transitionedto fully digital or blendedor hybrid formatsin order to enhance flexibility, accessibility and application in practice.The transformation of learning to digital platforms is often criticized forfailing to strike an appropriate balancebetweenconsiderationsoftechnological constraintsandthe assumptions and values of learning theory, as well as a focus on the dilemmas that arise with the attempt to translate these types of learning to digital platforms.Drawing on the research and development project ‘Unified platform forthe Future ofLearning and Development’ (UnFoLD), this paper presentsan envisioning design methodology and focused design processas a way to identify, communicate and resolvedilemmas that may arise in the digital translation and transformation of ECL.The paper discusses two key dilemmas identified using the method arising from the transformation of fundamental ECL principlesto functionality and algorithms to the architectureof a digital learning platformanddiscusses potentialsand implications for the field.
Original languageDanish
JournalLæring og Medier
Issue number25
Number of pages22
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2022


  • envisioning scenarier
  • AI
  • Machine learning
  • Learning Design
  • ECL
  • Automatiseret Feedback
  • Digital Læring

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