Dynamiske facader i praksis: klassificering og projektering

Kjeld Johnsen, Frederik Blum Winther

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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The design of a facade is crucial for the building's resulting indoor climate
and energy consumption. The facade must fulfill a wide range of features relative
to the users and have a significant impact on how they experience the
indoor climate and the ability to control the indoor climate parameters according
to changing needs.
This report describes how a facade can be classified according to its ability
to meet individual functions based on user needs. The classification can be
applied to all types of facades, but is especially important in building design,
where emphasis is on allowing the building envelope’s ability to meet several
important functions at the same time and to optimize the control of these features
in relation to indoor climate and energy consumption. Basically, there
are certain features that the facade must comply with legally, and therefore
the classification is based on the Building Regulations, environmental health
regulations, and relevant standards. This clarifies how dynamic facades can
contribute very significantly to meeting the demands while achieving great
energy gains and indoor climate improvements.
The report contains examples of different types of facade elements from
practice where the main emphasis is on one or two important features, such
as sun shading elements, thermal insulation elements, and elements that
provide venting and noise reduction at the same time.
The report also provide guidance on how the building designer can take into
account the changing characteristics of the facade in connection with the
proposed new regulations on maximum dimensional heat loss and compliance
with the energy framework compliance with the Be18 calculation program.
Original languageDanish
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
PublisherStatens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet
Number of pages75
ISBN (Electronic)978-87-563-1890-7
Publication statusPublished - 21 Aug 2018
SeriesSBi Forskning

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