Measuring effect of modified individual GIM with traumatised refugees – a pilot study

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Traumatised refugees present with a combination of traumatization from war experiences (PTSD) and acculturation difficulties. Individual trauma-modified GIM-sessions is used to create a safe space and symbolize traumatic memories. Different ways to measure effect with traumatised refugees have been used: questionnaries on trauma symptoms, life quality and hope, salivary cortisol as a stress measurement, and qualitative analysis of methaphors and drawings. Experiences and results from an ongoing pilot study will be presented including two case vignettes. Results are limited due to recruitment problems, and problems of getting informed consent from patients. Vulnerability and problems of trust when doing effect studies with the population is discussed together with alternative measurement methods.

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Translated title of the contributionEffektmåling af modificeret GIM med traumatiserede flygtninge - et pilotstudie
Original languageEnglish
Publication date2007
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Externally publishedYes

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