Emerging localized food networks in Denmark: from 10 to 3,100 members and 16 branches in less than 2 years

Niels Heine Kristensen, Mette Weinreich Hansen

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingConference abstract in proceedingResearch


One of the fastest growing food related social movements are citizen driven food networks. The Danish initiatives emerged in Copenhagen from an open culinary, social, environmental and organic oriented network. The theories and strategies of the original initiative is presented in this paper, together with an analysis of how this has evolved and expanded. The challenges this rapid expansion puts on the internal network and organisation, and on the local food supplieres - the organic farmers - are elaborated in this paper. Also – from a rural sociology perspective – the interaction and communication between the citizen-consumer and the farmer are presented and analyzed.
Original languageDanish
Title of host publicationThe 10th European IFSA Symposium : Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organization for sustainable food systems of tomorrow
Number of pages1
Publication dateJun 2012
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2012
Event10th European IFSA Symposium: Producing and Reproducing Farming Systems: New Modes of Organisation for the Sustainable Food Systems of Tomorrow - Aarhus, Denmark
Duration: 1 Jul 20124 Jul 2012


Conference10th European IFSA Symposium

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