Evonik Industries AG: Capability Building for Strategic Innovation in the Innovation Management System

Jimmi Normann Kristiansen*, Daniel Witthaut

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to book/anthology/report/conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


This chapter describes and analyses the journey of the development of an innovation management system at Evonik Industries, one of the world's leading companies in speciality chemicals. Evonik started a pilot for enhancing their innovation management system in 2013, focusing on the core area of augmenting the strategic innovation capability of the company. Through a series of intensive workshops and work with innovation opportunities carried out from September 2017 through February 2020, Evonik identified several specific, idiosyncratic areas related to business model option experimentation, business vision, stakeholder management and iterative learning from opportunities that were distinct from the incremental innovation project management. The case similarly aided understanding of how existing metrics and project evaluation systems within Evonik benefited from adjustments to secure a better fit with strategic innovation in the company. The case reveals and raises the question whether the innovation management system standard touches upon "one innovation management system" or comprises two subsystems, each optimised for incremental and strategic innovation, respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationChanging the Dynamics and Impact of Innovation Management : A Systems Approach and the ISO Standard
EditorsJoanne Hyland, Magnus Karlsson, Ingrid Kihlander, John Bessant, Mats Magnusson, Jimmi Kristiansen
Number of pages17
PublisherWorld Scientific
Publication date1 Oct 2022
ISBN (Print)9781800612099
ISBN (Electronic)9781800612112
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022
SeriesSeries on Technology Management


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