Experimental Study of an Integrated System with Diffuse Ceiling Ventilation and Thermally Activated Building Constructions

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The experiments are carried out in a climate chamber located at the Department of Civil Engineering Aalborg University. The objective of the experiments is to evaluate the performance of the system combining diffuse ceiling ventilation and thermally activated building construction (TABS) in terms of thermal comfort and energy performance. 20 cases with different boundary conditions are conducted varying on climate condition heat load. TABS water temperature and flow rate with or without diffuse ceiling. The energy evaluation includes energy balance of test room and cooling or heating capacity of TABS. And the thermal comfort is analyzed by draught rate vertical temperature gradient and radiant temperature asymmetry. Finally the effect of plenum and diffuse ceiling is discussed.

This report mainly focuses on the experiment results and discussions. Therefore, some details about the measurement are not presented in this report but can be found in the experimental plan made before.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAalborg
PublisherDepartment of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University
Number of pages33
Publication statusPublished - 2014
SeriesDCE Technical reports

Bibliographical note

Pdf for print: 39 pp.


  • Ventilation
  • Diffuse ceiling ventilation
  • Building constructions
  • Thermally activated building system
  • Experimental study


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